At Caliverse we believe Calisthenics to be one of the most effective and rewarding types of physical training. Although all of us perform various types of bodyweight movement everyday, there are lot of myths surrounding bodyweight training. Achieving your fitness goals comes down to how you exercise & not your method of training. So today we are going to dispel some of the biggest misconceptions, & discuss how to approach Calisthenics for success!
’You need weights to build muscle’ We hear this one a lot, despite gymnasts having some of the most impressive physiques in sports. They are also some of the strongest athletes, pound for pound, & they primarily train with their own bodyweight.
So how do we gain muscle?
Whether lifting weights or training Calisthenics, we need to use the Principle of Progressive Overload – By consistently increasing the total workload we will stimulate muscle growth and strength gain. That is to say, we must continually challenge ourselves. Repeating the exact routine week after week will quickly become too easy – Not to mention boring!
It’s easy to see how we apply this in weightlifting, we increase the weights, we increase the workload. In Calisthenics, we will manipulate the exercise to increase the workload. Take the Push Up for example, a fundamental movement in Calisthenics. Here are 3 linear progressions, increasing in difficulty from left to right.
Tip: Check out the Caliverse Exercise Library for Ideas & Progressions to suit your level! Read more about Progressions in this article.
Now, how do we select the correct progression?
This point ties in to another myth that tends to be associated with bodyweight exercise – ‘More reps are always better!’ Often people training with bodyweight perform endless reps of push ups and pull ups, going to failure, & often form suffers because of that. Let’s compare that to weightlifting, you don’t see people doing sets of 50+ reps on the bench press. That’s because the optimal range for Muscular Hypertrophy is 6-12 reps for 4-6 sets.
So if we are to apply this principle, we must select a progression that challenges us within that range, while still allowing for full range of motion and good form.
For example, if you can perform 20 Push Ups quite easily, this progression is not going to be optimal for muscle growth. But if you elevate my feet, & then hit only 10-12 reps, that’s the progression you should select.
Remember the Progressive Overload Principle – Each week try to increase your workload with an extra rep, or an extra set, progress the exercises as they become too easy & you’ll enjoy the rewards!
Tip: Log your Reps in Caliverse so it’s easy to see your progress!
Of course fuelling your training with the right nutrition is an important, but we’ll leave that for another time!
Next let’s look at two Misconceptions that seem to contradict each other
We have one camp which thinks ‘Bodyweight exercises are only for beginners’ and a second camp which believes Calisthenics is ‘impossible’.
On one side Push Ups, Bodyweight Rows & Lunges, are some of the exercises often dismissed as too easy, or something only done as a warm up. On the other end of the extreme we have Human Flags, Handstand Push Ups and Planche, which can seem to be unachievable.
We can overcome these misconceptions by starting to understand the huge spectrum of movements which bridge the gap between beginner and impossible – That is where we find Calisthenics Training!
These movements (or exercises) we’re talking about are Progressions (which we touched on earlier), and they really are the key to Calisthenics! We break our movements down into Pull, Push, Core, Back & Legs, incorporating each of these will create a balanced program.
Within these, we have skills, which can be broken down into easy to manage Progressions. By spending time to master each of them, starting from our basics Push Ups, Planks, Pull Ups etc. we will learn to move the body as a unit, to generate tension in the muscles, & create a strong foundation to build from. Whatever your experience level, whether you wish to build muscle, develop strength, or improve endurance, there is a bodyweight progression to suit your goal!
On top of this, one of the most rewarding parts of Calisthenics training is Unlocking skills! Whether it’s your first Pull Up, Muscle Up, Handstand or Human Flag, there is always something to get you motivated & make your training enjoyable!
So while we should certainly begin with the basic Push Ups and Pull Ups, Mastering them will take us beyond the level of beginner and set us on the journey to more advanced skills. It requires discipline and hard work, but there is a clear path to follow, & with each progression unlocked, we step closer to those Superhuman Skills that we all wish to achieve!
At Caliverse is on a mission to make Calisthenics available to everyone, & I hope this inspired you to start your bodyweight journey. We love to hear about your progress, your goals, and your suggestions – Remember, the world is our playground – we’ll see you in the Caliverse!
About the author : Daniels

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Thanks, I kind of knew this stuff from others on YouTube and always thought, if you can control your body in space, that must be optimal. Having some problems especially means this is going to be good for me. Gymnasts for example as you say, actually, how do we train like gymnasts and get their physique? Plus their form is on point too with a lot more tidiness. How do we do that? Is it mentioned in one of the scheduled programs
I’m starting to understand what these app is all about, to build the foundation from the very beginning to be able to make your body do amazing things that you never thought about doing it.